Boosting WiscKey Key-Value Store Using NVDIMM-N

KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 111-116, Mar. 2023,   PDF Download:
Keywords: NVDIMM, Key-Value Database, Database Tuning

The WiscKey database, which optimizes overhead by compaction of the LSM tree-based Key-Value database, stores the value in a separate file, and stores only the key and value addresses in the database. Each time an fsync system call function is used to ensure data integrity in the process of storing values. In previously conducted studies, workload performance was reduced by up to 5.8 times as a result of performing the workload without calling the fsync system call function. However, it is difficult to ensure the data integrity of the database without using the fsync system call function. In this paper, to reduce the overhead of the fsync system call function while performing workloads on the WiscKey database, we use NVDIMM caching techniques to ensure data integrity while improving the performance of the WiscKey database. Keywords : NVDIMM, Key-Value Database,

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[IEEE Style]
I. H. Song, B. h. Lee, S. W. Lee, "Boosting WiscKey Key-Value Store Using NVDIMM-N," KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 111-116, 2023. DOI:

[ACM Style]
Il Han Song, Bo hyun Lee, and Sang Won Lee. 2023. Boosting WiscKey Key-Value Store Using NVDIMM-N. KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering, 12, 3, (2023), 111-116. DOI: